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Monthly Archives: November 2013

Reminders to arouse the sincere mind

reminders to arouse a sincere mind

They are coming – and have been prophesied to come – those who make fun of your walk with Jesus and as in the days of Noah, will be consumed with their own passions until the day of their destruction.

The scoffing will sound like this, “Where is the promise of His coming?  The people who have been proclaiming this are now dead themselves and all things continue as they always have from the beginning of creation.”

In addition to the obvious, the comments about creation are not what you and I determine as intelligent design, rather the norm is evolution.  They were not there when the earth was formed out of water and by means of water and they have no idea of the fire that is being kept for the day of judgement and destruction.  As a side note, just wonder what preachers get out of the fact of determining how long it took for creation to take place?  If it was one day, it was one day.  If we take a thousand years to us is as one day for the Lord then one day was a thousand years.  Why get caught up in earthly wisdom that is designed only to ensure evolution theory has a jumping off point to deceive and take away any support to intelligent design?

Just as it took Noah 120 years to build the ark – in order to give everyone an opportunity to repent and not perish, so the Lord is not slow on His promise of coming again.  He wants everyone to hear the gospel and respond by following Him.  But when He comes, we should know that it will be quick, and heaven and earth will pass away.

That means we need to be reminded also to live godly lives now, today, as a sign that we wait for new heavens and a new earth where we will reside.  May we be found on that day in right standing with God and at peace with Him.

There are some things in the scriptures that are hard to understand, and the ignorant and unstable will twist them to their own destruction but let us beware that we are not carried away by those arguments and lose our own stability.

May we continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for to Him belong glory both now and to the day of eternity.




It’s so sad, but its true – there are people who want to lead me away from following Jesus.

When the questions come fast and furious, I am not always sure what is true and false.  In fact, I can only imagine what it would be like if I didn’t spend time with Jesus everyday – how could I keep to the straight and narrow?

Maybe that how things started in the first place – not evil coming from the outside in, but from the inside out.  People who decided they no longer wanted to follow Jesus and instead of just leaving decide to stay and see who they could deceive.

I have heard and seen it actually many times – and their destruction is quite painful.

Who wants to follow the straight and narrow when there is so much fun to have, right?  Look at how much money you can make manipulating the gospel – and greed overcomes.  How many people, teachers, pastors, evangelists have messed with the Word of God?

If it matters, when God decided to take care of the angels that rebelled against Him in heaven, if He took care of the world that Noah was living in, if He took care of Sodom and Gomorrah, then it matters that He will take care of these too.

Even so, He rescued Noah, rescued Lot and He knows how to rescue you and I from these same falsehoods.

The falsehood is this – they promise freedom, but the truth is they themselves are slaves.

False Teachers by Shai Linne





I am always fascinated by Jesus’ response to the 72 who when coming back explained all the amazing feats they were able to accomplish in ministry –  Jesus said to them rejoice only in the fact that their names are written in the Book of Life.

It reminds me of John 1:12 which has always sustained me in my faith journey for it declares in this very first chapter that it is the power of God that enables us to live like His children.

I am who I am by His divine power.

His precious and very great promises that I trust in every day allows me the strength to escape from the corruption of this world and participate in the very nature of God.

So I purpose in my walk to add to my faith virtue, and then knowledge, and then self-control, and then steadfastness, and then godliness, and finally a “philia” love to my family in Christ.

When these are full in my life, then I am effective and fruitful in knowing Jesus as I walk with Him and He with me.

If I step away from any of these, I find myself blind, at least shortsighted because I have forgotten that it was Jesus who cleansed me from my sin.

So in being passionate and purposeful in confirming my call and my place in Christ I ensure that I will not fall. I know that when I walk into the entrance of the eternal kingdom of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, He will richly have provided for me.





Spiritually maturity is really never attained but it is sure wonderful to see Jesus in your own life, even if it is for a moment.

That is our goal in life – we walk with Jesus so we can walk like Him – We know we have arrived when someone says we have our Father’s eyes.

Others see that we have a special bond together, have sympathy, love each other, have a tender heart and a humble mind, we do not return evil for evil or anger for anger and instead choose to bless.

For this we have been called and to this end we obtain our own blessing.

The blessing of loving life and seeing good days is ours when we control our tongue and keep our lips from speaking against others.  It comes when we turn our back from evil in order to do what is right; seeking peace and even pursuing it.

We know that the eyes of the Lord are watching us, His ears are open to our prayers.


A different kind of war – but its war nonetheless



Here we are, followers of Christ who have now become strangers in the land we were born in and refugees without a place to call our real home.  We have one task and only one task to ensure our safety and our honour – abstain from the passions of the flesh that wage war against our soul.

Incredible, but we do not see it as war – we see it as choice and we see it as something personal.

However, when the non-followers of Jesus speak against us in one way or another we have only one saving grace – they will see our good deeds and our good character, principled as they are, and hopefully recognize God in us.

For instance, how we interact with our boss, even when they are not around.  Are we submissive with respect regardless if they are kind and gentle or obnoxious and rude? How we talk about our governments – city, provincial, federal – regardless of whether we think they are good or bad.  What about our in-laws, do we describe them as outlaws?  From personal experience – how do we treat our own brothers and sisters or parents – oh how I have heard excuses of why it is appropriate to follow the passions of our flesh instead of our soul.

You see, we can actually live as one who is free, it is not for freedom sake that we use it as an excuse to do what we know we should not be doing. Yet we somehow believe it.

Can we honour all people, can we love those in the Church, can we hold God in awe, can we respect those in authority?  If not, then the war is on and our walk with Jesus becomes a little bit more chaotic until we come to a place where what we want does not matter as much as what Jesus wants.  What He wants is to give us life and to give it to us abundantly – why do we not want that?