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Come out

come outHere is the worry – walking with God is good and we know that He walks with us – yet sometimes we walk in arenas where we lose sight of God.

Sometimes we walk into places where we let down our guard thinking we are with other followers and somehow find ourselves talking about how to make a lot of money.  Other times we are told to not be so legalistic and enjoy the pleasures of life, since God created them anyway.

In the midst of those moments, you miss a beat, stop holding God’s hands, His holiness is too much for you to stay with Him and you take liberties with your commitment to only follow Him – God calls you to come out, come away, separate yourself from anything – especially from those who encourage you to no longer be committed to following God.  Step away because you will become like them.  If you think they need you to see Jesus – think again – they are taking you down.  Someone else needs to step up and tell them.

Remember, it is the Holy Spirit that draws people to Jesus, step away and rekindle your walk with God.  Nothing else matters.

Why marvel?

clear-ice-largeI think we caught up sometimes looking at the ways of the world, how involved they become in their excess and how raw their speech is – and that look is one of awe as opposed to sorrow.

I find myself talking with another and need to bring them back to earth by reminding them that they have what they want now and are going to enjoy it for the moment, and we have what we want now and totally enjoy it too.  Difference is that when we stand in front of God one day, they will do the marveling and we will be doing the worshiping.

When we get caught up marveling anything on earth other than Jesus, why?

Those are the same people who will want to make war on the Lamb, on you and me who follow the Lamb.  We already know the end of the story (again, why marvel?), the Lamb will conquer them, for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and we are called, chosen and faithful.

The word of God will be fulfilled, God walks with us, why marvel?

Three loud voices



I am still fascinated by the simple things – one of my favourite Christmas movies to watch each year is the original, black and white, Scrooge with the visits of the three spirits.

Today, thinking about how to walk with God, I read of three angels who gave instructions on how to do that, even as the time grows short before Christ‘s return.

The first angel was concerned and tasked with proclaiming the eternal gospel to those who live on earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.  Many feel that there is little left to do and many have given up on this call. May we look for God to give us opportunities to tell.  The basics – fear God, give Him glory, understand that the hour of judgement is coming and make time to worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the fountains of water.

The second angel called out all those who took the road of drink, lust and passions of the flesh – they are fallen and destroyed because compared to the holiness of those who walk with God, they are impure.

Lastly, the declaration to those who worshiped any other god other than the one and only God.  So much in love with their god that they were marked by it.  They would experience the wrath of God, His anger and they will experience torment by fire and sulphur and they have no rest day or night.

Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.  Walking with Jesus is accepting the call.


Salvation, power, authority and the kingdom of God

born-again-christianThere was a battle in the heavens one time quite long ago.  Back then, Lucifer was the head angel and with a third of the angels in rebellion, they fought against Lucifer’s replacement, Michael, and his angels – Lucifer lost and was kicked out of heaven to remain on earth.

There will be another battle coming.  Lucifer is now known as the dragon.  His team of angels will once again fight Michael and his angels and will lose again.

Why would we look for salvation, power, authority and the kingdom of God anywhere else but in Jesus?

The one who accuses us before God will be eternally thrown down.

We accept the prize of the conquering angels – salvation, power, kingdom of God and the authority of Jesus and we continue to conquer in our every day lives by these three very important things:

  • we remember that we conquer by the blood of the Jesus
  • we remember that we conquer by the word of our testimony – never stop telling others what Jesus has done for you
  • we remember that we conquer because by the model Jesus Himself gave us, we do not love our lives, even when it comes to facing death


What story do we tell?

what story do we tellMy father used to tell the scariest “hell” stories that you could imagine.  No matter who he talked to about God, if he ran into an argument or an attitude that he needed to move into a more submissive role – out came the big picture of what the end of the world would look like.  Everyone ended up agreeing with my dad – “heaven” was  a much better place to live.  Who by the way wants to be labeled a heathen?

That was his day – all kinds of end time movies, prophecies put on film, ministers who saw what the end of the world looked like and dire warnings that if we do not straighten up we were going to roast – forever.

Today it’s different.  Ministers are now siding with the theology that hell is not forever, at some point God annihilates it.  The multifaith contingent  believes we will all go to heaven for God is a God of love.  Those prophets of yesteryear have all proven to be wrong in their timetables.  Just try to find a worship song that even hints at repentance or coming clean before God.

So what does a guy in today’s world do when he confronts the word of God that describes quite visibly how the world will end and what happens to those who follow Christ and those who do not?  What story do I tell?

I think I have the joy of telling both.  I really push the idea that God is love and yet have the opportunity of describing tough love in the family context of raising children as the set of boundaries that all families have in place.  Then there are consequences if those boundaries are crossed.  No big deal – we can all make our own choices and each choice has its own reward.

So I trust in the adult inside each one of us to comprehend that and to make the choice.  If I go in denial and create my own rules of how I can make it to heaven – that is my choice – and I will take the consequence for that decision.  That includes making up my own entrance criteria, following religion, being as good as I can be or being so generous that I buy my way in – those are my decisions and they come with their own consequences.

I can only pray that my walk with God is something that is so real that after spending some time  with those I have had the opportunity to tell the story will see the integrity of such a walk – not my integrity, but God’s.  He is so faithful – He has never lied, always kept His promises, walks with me even on the days I do not want to walk with Him or think I can do it on my own.  My testimony is empty, my testimony to His love is real.  He makes the difference – that is the story to tell – He is the difference and sent His Son to make sure we not only heard the story, but saw it in action.

“We give thanks to thee, Lord God Almighty, who art and who wast,
that thou hast taken thy great power and begun to reign.
The nations raged, but thy wrath came,
and the time for the dead to be judged,
for rewarding thy servants, the prophets and saints,
and those who fear thy name, both small and great,
and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.”